A power of attorney (POA) form proves incredibly helpful when a loved one becomes incapacitated. With power of attorney, the designated representative can legally make decisions on behalf of another person. State laws vary, and not all power of attorney forms are the same. That said, all POA documents must be notarized or else face rejection. When difficult times and medical emergencies arise, access to an agent from a mobile notary service might allow all parties to move forward with a POA plan. Time delays won't be helpful when serious business and financial matters require attention.
Medical Stays, Elderly Persons, and POA Matters
Many different situations can arise where power of attorney becomes beneficial to a family. The example of an older person going into the hospital illustrates why POA could save a family from added stress and heartache. The elderly relative may be confused and possibly scared about an upcoming procedure. He/she may then deal with a lengthy rehab stay afterward. While few would lack sympathy for his/her situation, financial institutions won't overlook due dates on bills, and investments won't become immune to any drops in the Dow Jones. If the senior relative can't handle his/her financial responsibilities for a time, someone else must. That person relies on a notary to make sure the POA form is legitimate.
The Notary and the Appropriate POA Documents
A little research helps before taking any POA forms to a notary. Individual banks or brokerage houses may publish their own blank POA forms and only accept those specific forms. A "generic" POA form might be invalid in a particular state if the state requires specific language in the document. Checking with an attorney before choosing a blank POA form found online is prudent. When time is limited, the notary may have access to a "state acceptable" form. The way to avoid problems, however, involves getting all POA documents signed and notarized before someone becomes ill.
The Last-Minute Scenario
In the event someone does become hospitalized, calling on a mobile notary could become the only available solution. Understand you might have to handle responsibilities on your part, including the following:
- Detailing the situation, so the notary knows what to expect when meeting with the incapacitated relative.
- Asking the notary if it is possible to provide any forms you may lack.
- Determining if the notary can arrive at after-business if necessary.
An established notary service receives scores of different requests. Emergency ones might not be as unusual as you think. Don't be embarrassed to ask about last-minute assistance.